Tarzan the Magnificent

Tarzan the Magnificent is a 1960 British film, the followup to Tarzans Greatest Adventure 1959. It was directed by Robert Day and produced by Sy Weintraub and Harvey Hayutin. Gordon Scott makes his last appearance as Tarzan while Jock Mahoney appeared as villain Coy Banton. Mahoney would take over the Tarzan role himself beginning in the next film, Tarzan Goes to India in 1962. This motion picture does not include Jane.

Later that night Tarzan meets with the people from the boat and decides on an overland trek to take Coy Banton to Kairobi and agrees to take along, at first, the boats mate, Tate Earl Cameron, then reluctantly agrees to take the passengers of the boat A business man named Ames Lionel Jeffries and his wife, Fay Betta St. John another man named Conway Charles Tingwell and a young woman named Lori Alexandra Stewart, who all share with Tarzan their own reasons for wanting to go to Kairobi. But Tarzan warns them the trek through the jungles would be hard and dangerous. The presence of so many people to watch out for hinders Tarzan. The Bantons threaten to kill anyone who helps Tarzan. Pausing only to shoot the doctor who has told them what they want to know, the Bantons set out after the party and Coy.Ames is a boastful windbag whose wife begins to detest him. Seeing this, Coy plays up to her, hoping he might be able to use her later. The party are captured by natives and the leader wants to kill Coy, who killed his brother when the Bantons raided their village. However, the chiefs wife is having a difficult childbirth labour, and since Conway who was a doctor is able to help her have her baby a breach birth, the chief agrees to let the party go. ........

Source: Wikipedia